Monday, 29 August 2011

Fishing Holes are where it is AT!

A lot of people are having great success getting the Geese, Wolves and other lovely animals they need to find in the Fishing Holes -

You may find a particular hole you have more luck with - if so, try them with your different crew members to see what you find! 

How are you finding the Trail so far? Come and let us know at our FACEBOOK FANPAGE

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Pioneer Trail Collections - Updated

All 33 Pioneer Trail Collections and their rewards.

PLEASE NOTE: The location is merely it's location on the Trail. For items that can be placed on the homestead such as Crops and Trees the collection items can also be found when tending them there.

Apothecary Collection
75 Prize Tickets
Location: High Plains

Beast O' Burden Collection
100 Prize Tickets
Location: Beaver Valley, High Plains, Avalanche Pass

25 Prize Tickets
Location: Beaver Valley

Canada Goose
100 Prize Tickets
Location: Beaver Valley, High Plains, Avalanche Pass

50 Prize Tickets
Location: Avalanche Pass

75 Prize Tickets
Location: Beaver Valley

Gnarly Horned Mountain Goat Collection 
75 Prize Tickets
Location: Avalanche Pass

Hickory Tree Collection
25 Prize Ticket
Location: Beaver Valley

Manzanita Collection
25 Prize Tickets
Location: Avalanche Pass

Med Pack Collection
75 Prize Tickets
Location: Avalanche Pass

Military Collection
Cloth x4, 300xp
Location: Fort Courage

Mountain Blueberry Collection
50 Prize Tickets
Location: Avalanche Pass

Pecan Collection
3000 Coins
Location: Beaver Valley

Persimmon Collection
1500 Coins, 100 XP
Location: High Plains

Pheasant Hunting Collection
75 Prize Tickets
Location: High Plains

Pole Pine Collection
Sharp Axe x5
Location: Fort Courage

Prairie Lavender Collection
25 Prize Tickets
Location: High Plains

Prickly Pear Cactus
Agave Cactus
Location: Fort Courage

Red Trillium Collection
25 Prize Tickets
Location: Avalanche Pass

Sandstone Collection
Tools x4
Location: Fort Courage

Snowy Barrel Collection
75 Prize Tickets
Location: Avalanche Pass

Snowy Spruce Collection
25 Prize Tickets
Location: Avalanche Pass

St. Bernard Collection
100 Prize Tickets
Location: Beaver Valley, High Plains, Avalanche Pass

Trail Medicine Collection
75 Prize Tickets
Location: Beaver Valley

Travelin' Tools Collection
75 Prize Tickets
Location: Beaver Valley

Tumbleweed Collection
Thorns x1, 200 coins
Location: Fort Courage

Turkey Hunting Collection
50 Prize Ticket
Location: Beaver Valley

Wild Lupine Collection 
25 Prize Ticket
Location: Beaver Valley

White Oak Collection
25 Prize Tickets
Location: High Plains

Wild Rice Collection
300 Coins, 25 XP
Location: High Plains

Wild Strawberry Collection
700 Coins, 25 XP
Location: High Plains

Wolf Collection
100 Prize Tickets
Location: Avalanche Pass

Work Chest Collection
75 Prize Tickets
Location: High Plains

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Adding and Visiting Neighbours

Something that still seems somewhat confusing is the whole aspect in game of neighbours, who you can visit and how to get more, hopefully this guide can help.

The first point to make is the Trail is NOT like Frontierville in one big aspect. In FTV it's possible to visit every one of your neighbours whenever you want, even if you only gain bonuses once per day.

In the Trail this is different, and it's because of how the Trail works. There are never any "spare" avatars on the Trail. Although on our homestead we might see friends visit, that doesn't happen on the Trail, the only people there that will ever show (barring NPCs) are your own avatar and the three "crew".

This dictates who can visit, ONLY people who are on your crew can visit YOU, and the ONLY people you can visit are people who have hired YOU to be on THEIR crew.

So the only way to "add" neighbours and visit more people is to be placed on more crews.

Now, if you're proactive you can ask people directly or you can post a little "Job Wanted" note in Facebook.

Go into your Jobs screen and click on the "Ask Friends" option...

That will bring up a popup to post to your wall showing off your enthusiasm and asking to be hired!

Other than that, you can't add and visit every one of your neighbours any more, or invite new ones to the Pioneer Trail and visit them.

To be able to go to another Trail you must be one of the active avatars there, Doctor, Hunter or Carpenter, and that means being hired.

High Plains Story Missions

Story Missions appear when doing activities with your own Avatar.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Hidden Missions Guide...

Yes, it's finally here, the full guide to what makes those pesky hidden missions show up! Included is also which item to look for to have a Blue Exclamation Mark over.

Beaver Valley

Case of the Curious Torticoon - Complete Travails of a Travellin' Trader
Will appear over a Torticoon

Blackberry Pickin' - Complete Travails of a Travellin' Trader
Will appear over a Blackberry Bush

Purdy, Purdy Pignuts - Complete Blazin' Campfire
Will appear over an OwlTree

Missin' Home - Complete Dysentry Danger!
Will appear over a Wild Lupin

Will appear over a Pecan Tree

Lost Lil' Bucky - Complete Dysentry Danger!
Will appear over a baby beaver by the river

Turkey's Gone Wild - Complete Who Wants Gumbo Stew
Will appear over a Turkey

Cajun Crawdad Boil - Have a ripe Crawdad Trap
Will appear over a Crawdad Trap

High Plains

Wild Rice and Persimmon Puddin' -  Complete Pickin' Up The Pieces
Will appear over a Persimmon Tree

Prairie Doggin' - Complete Pickin' Up The Pieces
Will appear over a Prairie Dog Burrow

Stockin' The Root Cellar - Complete The McBaggins Well
Will appear over a Wild Rice

Stockin Up The McBaggins Homestead - Complete The McBaggins Well
Will appear over a Lavendar

Skunkadillo Rumours - Complete Not The Sheep, Pa!
Will appear over a Skunkadillo

Gifts for Back Home - Complete Giant Ragin' Inferno
Will appear over a Wild Strawberry

Avalanche Pass

Gonner Pass Dinner Party - Avalanche!
Appears over a Red Trillium

Apple Squeezins - Complete Busted Wagon
Appears over a Crabapple Tree

Missin' Home - Complete Fixin' The Storm Shelter
Appears over a Blueberry Bush

The Missing Lynx - Complete Fixin' The Storm Shelter
Appears over  Snow Patch

What Big Feet You Have - Trail Feast
Appears over a Manzanita

Pimp Yer Wagon - Complete Build a Plunger
Appears over a Snowy Rock

Trail Point Guide...

For those who like to plan ahead, how to find out what amount of Trail Points are currently left before you get yourself another of the magic ration refills.

Please note totals seem to work via a formula, giving different level points for different people, this is the only certain way of finding out how far for your next level. THERE ARE NO SET LEVELS... unfortunately you can't glance at your trail points and think "I'm at 29'000 so only 1'000 to go for a level up". It just doesn't work the same way as XP and levels do in Frontierville.

Firstly, find the Trail Point counter in the top right of the screen:

Then, DOUBLE click on that to bring up the info window which will tell you just how far you have to go to get the next level!